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Kegel Exercises For Women and Their Benefits

 Kegel exercise is named after Arnold Kegel, a gynaecologist. These exercises are beneficial in engaging and strengthening women's pelvic floor. It is a floor that includes a group of muscles and ligaments hanging like a sling between the hips. The pelvic floor supports the bladder, uterus and other organs and also it helps regulate the flow of urine and the contraction of the vagina and anal sphincter. The primary aim of the Kegel exercise is for contracting and then relaxing the pelvic floor muscles for a shorter period. It's better to aim for several short sets in a day. 

Kegel Exercises for Pregnancy

Pelvic muscles play a significant role during delivery because the baby is pushed through the pelvis at the time of delivery. During this, the effort required to push the baby by the mother also includes stretching pelvic muscles to new proportions. Pelvic muscles play an essential role during delivery but also assist in keeping the uterus, bladder, and rectum in the right place, and it also helps prevent leakage of urine while coughing or laughing. 

Benefits of Kegel Exercises

Several research and study papers are available that claim that practising Kegel exercises regularly before, during, and post-delivery helps reduce the disparities of pelvic floor issues. As the baby puts weight over the pelvic muscles, hence the forces are required to bear the impact of that weight. To provide the necessary strength and support to carry on with the baby's weight, Kegel exercises are the best option because sometimes the muscles are not up to the job. To make them suitable for delivery, Kegel is a must.

When women undergo labour during delivery, these muscles will get stretched even more for creating room for the baby to pass through. As per the researcher's estimation, around one-third of women face tearing in the pelvic floor muscle tissue at the time of delivery. Performing Kegel exercises during pregnancy helps to prevent future problems, though.

If we count on some significant Benefits of Kegel Exercises, then we can find them as follows:

Better control over bladder: As per the studies made by different institutes, a common conclusion that emerged among the women who performed Kegels was found to have better bladder control. Better bladder control is the desire of every women and Kegel provides with this control.

Minimization of faecal incontinence: Kegel exercises prevents the chances of Fecal inconsistency among the majority of women.

Faster Labor: According to researchers, the women who do Kegel exercise regularly have a shorter active phase of labour than those who do not exercise.

Good and satisfactory orgasm: Kegel exercises help boost the sexual health of women that ultimately enhance sexual pleasure, and help in reaching orgasm more quickly.

Related Information:- A Care that Cures – Kegel Exercises for Women


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