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Skin Cancer a skin disorder that is causing trouble to everyone

 Skin cancer is a growing concern worldwide. It is defined as the abnormal growth of skin cells in a patchy/sporadic form that impacts the skin's normal beauty. This is caused usually to the skin region that is exposed to the sunlight.

Skin cancer is basically categorized on the basis of skin cells involved in abnormal growth. These includes:

Keratinocyte carcinoma

This category involves skin cancer in basal and squamous cells of the skin. These cells are most vulnerable to get arrested to skin cancer. This form of skin cancer is found normally on areas of skin that are most commonly exposed to the sunlight, like the head and neck of humans.

This skin cancer form is not fatal as compared with the other form but only when it is treated earlier. If left untreated for a long time, then it grows larger and spreads to different skin regions. It can be prevented by following Skin Cancer Prevention Tips.


This category of skin cancer involves the skin cells that give colour to human's skin. These cells are known as melanocytes. The moles formed by melanocytes results in the form of skin cancer. 

The moles can grow over any part of the human body. In males, these moles are most likely to grow over the chest and back, whereas in females, it is most likely to grow over legs.

The grown moles can be cured if they get identified and treated at their early growth stage. If they are left ignored for a long time, then their chances of growth in other parts of the skin increase to a large extent and will become hard to treat. They are more spreading in nature.

Best 3 ways to prevent skin cancers

It is better advised to follow some skincare prevention methods to reduce the chances of getting skin cancer. These include:

1. Avoid artificial tanning and sun lamps.

2. Avoid direct sunlight exposure between 9:30 am to 4 pm, by staying indoors or under shades.

3. Apply sunscreen and lip balms with an SPF of 30 or higher.

4. Wear wide-brimmed hats and full sleeve clothes.

5. Wear sunglasses that offer 100 per cent UVB and UVA protection.

By following the above-mentioned Skin Cancer Prevention Tips, individuals can prevent themselves from the unwanted growth of skin cells that results in the form of skin cancer. It is always suggested to be prevented from getting treated.

It is also advised to individuals to regularly examine their skins for noticing any changes like new growth or spots. If it is found that there is a growth of new spots or any kind of irregularity in the skin, then consulting a doctor will be a good option so that if there are any chances of skin cancer, then that can be reduced at an early stage.

If somehow skin cancer has happened, then treating it earlier can reduce its further chances of spread.

Related Article:- Skin Cancer: How To Prevent It?


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