According to the latest Bollywood Celebrity News , Varun Dhawan is gearing up for the year 2021. The actor has some power-packed projects lined up this year, like Raj Mehta directed Jug Jug Jiyo and Amar Kaushik directed Bhediya. Currently, the actor is shooting for the film Bhediya in Arunachal Pradesh and getting a lot of love and appreciation from the locals. The actor took to his official Instagram account and shared a video of him running like a Cheetah in the streets of Arunachal Pradesh. Varun Dhawan was last seen in the digitally released film Coolie No. 1 alongside Sara Ali Khan. 2021 will be a rocking year for actor Aparshakti Khurana not only from the professional front but also from the personal front. He and his wife, Aakriti, are expecting their first child.On the work front, Aparshakti is all set for his first solo film. Well, it's a win-win situation. However, Aparshakti has not made any official announcement about anything yet, but the ac...
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